Becky Metzger

Speaker Bio:

    • Becky Metzger has 20 years of experience leading large, complex healthcare initiatives focused on implementing healthcare operations, clinical quality measures, and population health solutions across federal and state clients as well as commercial payers.   She has provided leadership and program management for multifaceted healthcare programs with a focus in clinical quality measures and clinical data – and specifically including oncology quality measures, technical assistance, operational support and data collection. In her current role, Ms. Metzger leads the implementation of multiple alternative payment models through Telligen’s federal contracts. 


Educational Objectives:

    • Provide high-level overview of HL7 FHIR for those who may not be familiar (40,000 foot level)
    • Familiarize participants with what an HL7 Accelerator is and how they work. 
      1. What are the objectives of the HL7 FHIR accelerator?
      2. Who can participate?
      3. What does participation require?
      4. Why is participation from different stakeholders in the healthcare community so important?
    • Provide information on active accelerators
      1. Share Telligen’s experience with our participation in an HL7 FHIR accelerator and how it has benefited us and other stakeholders. 
    • Call to action – How participation benefits the individual/organization participating but also the broader community and how to get involved.